The Gucci Glasses
I was feeling optimistic, confident, and excited to spend the day in Chicago with my family. Traffic slowed as we neared the city which...

The Swimming Suit
I looked out the plane window in awe at the most spectacular colors of blue that the ocean had to offer. Kristen and I were headed to a...

Baby, it's cold outside!
I don’t need to describe how bitter cold it's been to my fellow Michiganders, but for those in warmer climates, let’s just suffice to say...

Allow me to start off with a disclaimer: I mean no disrespect toward my husband in what I’m about to say. After all, it would be...

I dug my feet into the batter’s box and readied myself for the pitch. As a scrawny 11-year-old, you could almost see my knees trembling...

Couples that Play together Stay together
On this particular day, there were more of them than usual. In fact, I had never seen so many! Maybe it was the sudden and unexpected...