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Parenting Principles - part 1

We have four children. They are all grown now but we still remember when many problems could be solved with a nap and a snack, meltdowns were inevitable if someone didn't get the right color sippee cup and messes were never-ending.


Seriously though, we loved - and lived through - our parenting years and had a fun conversation reliving some of those moments on our latest podcast episode. (You can find An Intentional Marriage Podcast on Apple, Spotify or You Tube).


We'd love to have you listen in as we share the importance of some foundational principles that carried us through each season such as:

Prioritizing our marriage over our kids

Providing a united front

Proven discipline techniques that worked for us!


Just as there are no perfect marriages, there are no perfect parents. But you are the perfect parent for your children! Together we can encourage each other to become the best we can Marriage Minute Monday at a time!


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